9 Beneficial Features Of A MyQ Printing Solution
MyQ Solution is a print management software that makes everyday printing tasks easier for everyone in your organization, allowing you to do more in less time. The flexibility of MyQ Solution allows you to use only the features you need e.g. scan to email, with the option to expand your print environment easily when it’s […]
What to expect from a Managed Print Service provider?
Multifunctional printers play an important role within the digital transformation of businesses by making processes more efficient and increasing staff production levels. With more companies now rethinking how their print environment is managed, it is important to find the correct print solution to suit your business requirements. What should your Managed Print Service (MPS) provider […]
Will Latex and UV printing start to overtake Solvent printing?
Solvent printing has a long reliability history, affordable production costs and has a tried and tested high quality printing reputation. However, over the past few years new ink technologies such as latex and UV printing have come to the market, resulting in a change in Wide Format printing in many sectors. What is solvent printing? […]
Toner cartridge recycling boxes
Here at Temple Knight the protection of the environment is important to us and as our customers use large quantities of toner each month, we wanted to take a step in the right direction and offer a Toner Cartridge Recycling scheme to avoid toner cartridges ending up in landfill and ensure the impact of the […]
Review Feedback Competition Winner
This week we drew the winner of our Review Feedback competition, the prize was a £50 Amazon Gift Voucher. When a Temple Knight Engineer attends a customer call out to undertake a service and repair, they hand out review cards for our customers to complete. To enter, we ask our customers to log onto our […]
Utax printer and photocopier delivery
This week our warehouse team have been busy unloading a large delivery of new Utax printers and photocopiers, in preparation for machine installations at customer sites. A few of our existing customers felt it was about time they upgraded their machines to keep up with their ever-growing business and printing demands. We always try to […]
Utax latest printer launch
Utax announce the launch of the P-C3062DN printer, which has replaced the P-C3061DN. This printer has a remarkable printing speed of 30 A4 pages a minute, which offers the bonus of high print output in a short amount of time. The print quality of 1,200 x 1,200 dpi ensures that exceptional print results are maintained […]
Printer installation in Paris
Adam and Greg from our Service Team travelled to Paris, France, to install a printer at one of our existing customer’s office. We were able to provide a printer which suited their requirement and to keep up with their growing team; something their previous machine was struggling to do. Upon arrival, Adam and Greg unloaded […]
Galliard Homes printer installation
Last week our Managing Director, Simon, and team were in Essex doing a printer installation for Galliard Homes, one of our existing customers. We were able to provide a bespoke print management solution to suit their printing requirements, whilst allowing them to upgrade their current machines and reduce their printing costs. With the vans loaded, […]
New user manual USB flash drives
This week our engineers were busy delivering and installing a variety of printers to our customers. Once the printers are installed, part of our service is for an engineer to demonstrate how to use the printer to all staff members so they are set up and ready to go. As an added extra we provided […]